Firm Proponent of Environmental Due Diligence

Our wide range of Malaysian Logs species include Melapi, Kapur, Agathis, Arau, Menggris, Keruing, Mersawa, Resak, Meranti (Red & Yellow), MLH, Selangan Batu, Tengkawan etc.
Subur Tiasa Holdings owns a total of six timber concession areas that contains over thirteen log (原木) species and spread across four divisions of Sarawak: Kapit, Sibu, Bintulu and Miri.
Not only is our logging practices in compliance with statutory requirements such as Monthly Production Limit (MPL) and Log Production Identity (LPI) system, Subur Tiasa is also known for our adoption of the Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) method.
As a firm proponent of environmental due diligence, we are rigorous in our submissions of the General Harvesting and Detailed Harvesting Plans, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and quarterly submission of Environmental Monitoring Report (EMR).
Perhaps unbeknownst to many, reforestation is at the core of Subur Tiasa’s unique business function.
Since 2005, we have aggressively promoted reforestation. Today, we own five licenses for planted forests in Kapit, Sibu, Bintulu and Miri, which covers an estimated area of 139,000 hectares.
The objectives of our reforestation project are to mitigate the effects of global warming, while ensuring sustainability of biodiversity in Sarawak and continuity of raw material supply for downstream activities.
As of December 2009, 11 million trees are planted across 33,000 hectares with 41% of our reforestation areas planted with Acacia species. Other species for reforestation include Eucalyptus and Neolamarckia Cadamba (Kelampayan).
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To our great customers:
To our great customers: We appreciate you greatly! Your continual utilization of our products have kept us strong in producing high quality logs to satisfy the need for premium quality products in the competitive market we are in today.
If you have great experiences with our logs, or if you have any feedbacks on our products and services, please write to us at the Contact Us webpage on our website! We thank you very much for your patronage & look forward to many more years of partnership and mutual support!