The conflict resolution procedures to resolve any grievances or complaints raised by the local communities and workers has been established to promote mutual trust and understanding, and facilitate avoidance of any conflict pertaining to the rights, disputes or environmental impacts that will affect their livelihood.
We encourage open communication channels for our workers to voice their suggestions, complaints or grievances relating to employment or welfare to ensure that any concern, issue or problem can be resolved impartially.
We also have set up the Community Representative Committee (CRC) and Forest Management Certification Liaison Committee (FMCLC) to serve as platforms for the local communities to bring up their suggestions, complaints or grievances and to resolve any conflict, issues or disputes transparently in order to achieve mutually beneficial solutions.
The conflicts resolution process flow for the local community and workers is shown below:

To give any suggestion or raise a complain/grievance, kindly download the Suggestion/Grievance Form here and return the completed form to FMU site office or email to